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Installing Optimizer Runtime

The below describes the procedure required for getting and installing Optimizer Runtime on supported Linux distributions:

RockyLinux 8
CentOS 7

Optimizer Runtime installation packages can be obtained from the download page or by using wget as detailed below.

RPM package for RockyLinux 8

The directions below were tested on RockyLinux 8.
Scroll down for installation directions for CentOS 7.

Step-by-step Installation

Install EPEL and PowerTools add-on package repositories, required by some of the dependencies:

$ sudo yum install epel-release
$ sudo yum -y install dnf-plugins-core && sudo yum config-manager --set-enabled powertools

Install Optimizer Runtime and any missing dependencies:

$ sudo yum install concertio-optimizer-runtime_rocky8_x86_64.rpm


Optimizer Runtime can be uninstalled as follows:

$ sudo yum remove optimizer-runtime

RPM package for CentOS 7

The directions below were tested on CentOS 7.

Step-by-step Installation

Install EPEL add-on package repository, required by some of the dependencies:

$ sudo yum install epel-release

Install Optimizer Runtime and any missing dependencies:

$ sudo yum install concertio-optimizer-runtime_centos7_x86_64.rpm


Optimizer Runtime can be uninstalled as follows:

$ sudo yum remove optimizer-runtime

Deb package for Ubuntu

The directions below were tested on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal), Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic), Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial).
Replace "focal" with "bionic" or "xenial" in order to install those respective releases.

Step-by-step Installation

Install Optimizer Runtime:

$ sudo apt install ./concertio-optimizer-runtime_focal_x86_64.deb


Optimizer can be removed as follows:

$ sudo apt purge optimizer-runtime