Concertio Awarded with PowerBridgeNY Ignition Grant

Concertio Optimizer is a great tool for improving performance of servers with minimum engineering effort. In addition to boosting performance, Concertio Optimizer is also able to improve the energy efficiency of servers by optimizing for performance per Joule. We believe data centers could be much more efficient than they are today with the help of automatic and dynamic tuning. We’re happy that others share our vision – we’ve just become awardees of the PowerBridgeNY Ignition Grant!

PowerBridgeNY is a state/university initiative that leverages clean energy innovations emerging from institutional research labs to create more and stronger energy businesses in New York State. With the help of PowerBridgeNY, our vision is now one step closer.

We’re lucky to have met our mentor David Levine through the program, and are thankful for his guidance and support. Thanks David!

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